100 % Original Civet Coffee ( Kopi Luwak)


Monday, November 22, 2010

Coffee Enema Good For Liver Detoxification

The coffee enema has been used for many years to detoxify the liver. It is a low-volume enema that remains only in the sigmoid colon. There is a duct between the sigmoid colon and the liver called the entero-hepatic circulation system. When the stool reaches this point, it contains many toxins, which are sent to the liver for detoxification. The coffee enema will increase the transit time in the bowel. The caffeine that is absorbed into the entero-hepatic system causes the liver ducts, including the bile ducts, to empty into the sigmoid colon and be eliminated. Releasing the toxins in the liver ducts, makes room for toxins from the body to enter the liver for detoxification. The alkaloids in the caffeine stimulate the production of glutathione-S-transferase, which is an enzyme that facilitates the liver detoxification pathways.

1 Cup Kopi Sehari Bisa Membuat Anda Panjang Umur

Dengan meminum 1 cangkir kopi setiap hari ternyata bisa menjadi rahasia memiliki umur panjang, ujar para peneliti seperti dikutip Dailymail.

Sebuah penelitian unik dilakukan untuk mengetahui hal yang dapat membantu orang mencapai usia 100 tahun meski mereka memiliki tekanan darah tinggi. Jawaban yang terungkap adalah meminum kopi secangkir setiap hari.

Berdasarkan sebuah hasil penelitian yang dilansir awal pekan ini, secangkir kopi setiap hari akan dapat membantu elastisitas pembuluh darah, hal yang dapat mencegah penyakit jantung.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Barista Coffee Machines

Barista Esspreso coffee machines are really simple to control. They’ve outstanding easy-to-press buttons along with colored energy indicators that are straightforward to read. You’ll be able to tell the machine is on simply because this indicator button will light up. This is just the beginning with regards to the great features of a barista type espresso coffee machine.

The portafilter on a barista type espresso machines will function properly. It really is a pressurized kind of portafilter, so you get a 23-25 second brew time for a double shot of great expresso, compared to an inadequate 10-11 2nd brew time on other lesser models. The portafilter is also simple to load and use. It does supply lots of loading room for fulfilling espresso coffee shots, and it also holds heat nicely. This indicates you will have the appropriate temperature for extracting espresso beans. This can make the distinction from a great morning and a fantastic start!

Monday, November 15, 2010

2 - 4 Cangkir Kopi Sehari Bermanfaat Bagi Kesehatan

Minum kopi ternyata berguna bagi kesehatan. Paling tidak kata dokter ahli saraf asal Prancis, Astrid Nehlig, meneguk kopi 2-4 cangkir sehari bermanfaat bagi jantung, mengatasi risiko diabetes atau kanker. “Tapi minum kopi tidak direkomendasikan bagi anak-anak,” kata Astrid di Nusa Dua, Bali.

Hal itu dikemukakan Astrid kepada wartawan disela acara Siposium Kopi 2010 bertajuk Kopi dan Kesehatan. Acara yang diikuti 150 peserta dari sejumlah negara, merupakan simposium ke-22 sejak 1968. Acara itu dirangkaikan dengan Konferensi Internasional Kopi dan Kakao ke-23.
Dikatakan Astrid yang tampil dalam acara jumpa wartawan bersama belasan dokter ahli yang meneliti manfaat kopi bagi kesehatan, kopi memiliki kandungan senyawa penyegar. Karena itu lanjut Astrid, minum kopi dalam jumlah yang ditentukan, bisa memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan.

20 Interesting Facts All About Coffee

Here are 20 interesting facts all about coffee. 

1. Coffee is the second most traded product in the world after petroleum.

2. Each year some 7 million tons of green beans are produced world wide. Most of which is hand picked.

3. Over 53 countries grow coffee worldwide with almost all of them along the equator.

4. The world’s largest coffee producer is Brazil with over 3,970 million coffee trees and is responsible for    30 to 40 % of total world output. Colombia comes in second  with around two thirds of Brazil’s production.

5. It takes five years for a coffee tree to reach maturity.

6. The average yield from one tree is the equivalent of one roasted pound of coffee.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kopi Luwak Halal for Moslem

A preacher recently suggested the beverage might not be "halal" — or religiously approved — because its provenance makes it unclean. But after a long discussion, Finally  the influential Indonesian Ulema Council said that the coffee, known locally as Kopi Luwak, could be consumed ( halal) as long as the beans were washed.

Kopi Luwak, which takes it name from the Indonesian word for civets, is made from hard beans that have been eaten by the nocturnal critters and then fermented in their stomachs before being pooped out and roasted. Civet cats are mongoose-like animals.

In Indonesia, the world's most population Moslem nation, Kopi Luwak is produced in the main Java island, Sumatra and Sulawesi. It is also found under different names elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Only 1,000 pounds are said to be produced annually worldwide.

email: chris.crador@gmail.com
website: http://radjachivetcoffee.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kopi Luwak Give benefits for Our Health

Kopi Luwak (Civet Coffee)  is the most valuable and expensive coffee in the world at this moment, so to get into the Guinness Book of Records. 4 years recent Luwak coffee prices in international markets increased, even at US$ 450 - 500/kilograms of dry beans (moisture content 11.5% - 12%). Compare the price of regular coffee a number of quality which only US$ 4.5 / kilograms.

Choosing the right coffee distributor

There are several important aspects to take into consideration when choosing the right coffee distributor :

One of the most important factors when choosing any business’s service or product should be the company’s reputation. Consider the daily consumer buying decisions. People are more likely to make a purchase from a company that has a positive reputation rather than from one that doesn’t.

The same holds true for choosing a wholesale coffee distributor. This will require doing some research. Fortunately, today there is an abundance of resources on the Internet that offer business ratings and user reviews. There are also numerous blog properties that feature public commentary regarding such matters. Simply asking fellow office managers or non-competing coffee shop owners may be a good way to research as well. Although it may seem inconvenient, doing the necessary digging will lead you to the right wholesale coffee distributor.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Best of the Best Coffee

Island of St. Helena Coffee Company

Third on the prestigious list of the most internationally sought after coffees is coffee grown in the Island of St. Helena. This coffee was discovered and brought initially to Paris during Napoleon's term of exile in the island. St. Helena's coffee is made from a unique type of bean known as Green Tipped Bourbon Arabica, and is known for its exclusive flavor. St. Helena coffee is valued at an average of  US$ 174  per kilograms.

Hawaiian Kona Coffee

Last but certainly not least is Hawaiian Kona Coffee, for its prized and delicious flavor. Kona Coffee is a variety of coffee grown on the slopes of mountains in the Big Island of Hawaii. The Kona District's brilliant sunny mornings, humid, rainy afternoons and temperate nights create ideal coffee growing conditions, making Kona Coffee one of the most sought-after types in the world. Kona coffee is creamy and smooth, with the rich, almost-chocolaty taste. It is well balanced, with slight acidity and medium-body. It has an enticing aroma and somewhat complex, spicy flavor. Hawaiian Kona averages at about US$ 74.9  per kilograms.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What is your Choice ??

There is 2 varieties of coffee : Arabica and Robusta. Coffee Robusta is much of caffeine than Arabica but low acidity. and Arabica is less of caffeine but high acidity.
The cultivation of Robusta is relative easier than Arabica. These type of coffee are grown in low altitude, most of this coffee can be found in Brazil, West Africa and Indonesia.
Arabica come up with about 80 percent of world coffee population. Many coffee connoisseurs search this type of coffee. Planting Arabica beans is more difficult than Robusta beans, because it must grow in high altitude with specific climate.

Friday, November 5, 2010

'Jamaican Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee: A Taste of Heaven on Earth

A cup of good coffee on the breakfast table is always a great way to welcome the morning. Since its inception centuries ago, coffee has become the most popular beverage and the world's most traded and sought-after commodities.
Over the years, many coffee variants have originated from different places, which paved the way for gourmet coffee to have a niche in the world market.
Aside from the basic Robusta and Arabica variants, there are other rare coffee variants which gained a good following from coffee aficionados.

The 4 Best Gourmet Coffees in the world

How does one choose the 4 best gourmet coffees in the world? Of course each individual has to decide which is best for them, as it is all a matter of taste. There are however, certain coffees which stand out from the crowd because of superior cultivation or roasting processes.
The coffee bean is not in fact a bean, but the stones from the center of the cherry-like fruit of the coffee bush or tree. These cherries do not ripen all at the same time, so need to be picked by hand. There are two beans in each cherry, but still thousands have to be picked to produce enough beans for roasting.
The remaining fruit of the cherry needs to be removed from the seeds, which is done by either drying them in the sun, and then machines strip off the dried fruit from the beans, or by the soaking method, so the fruit comes away from the bean, known as washed coffee.
These fresh coffee beans remain green until the roasting process begins. Each gourmet coffee has its own particular roasting blend, but a special process is used for the first coffee on our list:
1. Kopi Luwak: this rare, exotic coffee; also known as Civet or weasel coffee, is exceptionally smooth and has an amazingly subtle, lingering taste. The beans are actually processed by the Indonesian civet, which eat the ripest coffee cherries and pass the undigested beans, which are then collected by farmers, who sanitize them thoroughly and sun-dry them before roasting and vacuum packing them for shipping. The natural enzymes of the civet release unique flavors impossible to access by regular methods.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Coffee Roast Style

For Ground and Roasted Bean available:
1) Light roast : strong acid, yellowish -brown color, slight grain smell, weak flavor
2) Cinnamon roast : american style slighty acidic, cinnamon color
3) Medium roast : acidic characteristic and sweet flavors, nut-like color. american style
4) High roast: bitter notes more pronounced than acid. good for iced coffee
5) City roast : standard well balanced tasted flavour new york city origin
6) Full city roast : bitter characteristic slighty more assertive than acidity. good for iced coffee
7) French roast : pronounced bitter notes, rich unique taste. european style.
8) Italian roast: strong and bitter but not acidic. almost black in color

email : chris.crador@gmail.com
website : http://radjachivetcoffee.blogspot.com

Favorite Drink In The World

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It was first discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia sometime around the year 800. It then spread to other countries in the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. Coffee ranks second only to oil in the amount traded in dollars. All the coffee in the world is grown on tropical climates, located in places between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Most Expensive Coffee in the World

Coffee is the worlds most popular beverage and the worlds second biggest commodity, second only to oil. Those are some impressive statements. People enjoy a fresh cup of brew in the morning, with lunch, at work and it is a standard after dinner drink. Its popularity is probably best illustrated by the very long lines at Starbucks and the coffee shops that now dot most major street corners in the United States, Europe and pretty much everywhere other place on the globe.

Recommended Drink

Kopi Luwak coffee is unique and like no other. It is labeled as the most expensive coffee in the world due to its highly controversial method of production as well as the rarity of the beans. Sourced from Sumatran region of Indonesia, many coffee connoisseurs claim that this is a must-try.
The beans are in fact deposits from a type of animal called palm civet. Among others, civets enjoy consuming red coffee cherries.

This is Unique and Like No Other

Like many prized items, some coffees are rare. There are many factors affecting the limited availability of certain types of coffee beans. They include geographical factors, climate changes and in one particular case, the method of processing. Kopi Luwak coffee is unique and like no other.

Style of Making Coffee

Espresso and Cappuccino
Now we are talking good coffee, if you have ever had a good espresso or cappuccino made using a espresso machine not from Tim Hortons you will know what I'm talking about. An espresso machine is a very expensive piece of equipment it works by forcing high pressure steam though very finely ground coffee grinds extracting the most flavour possible form the bean. This steam condensates and drips into a tiny cup. Cappuccino is made using an espresso and adding frothed milk.

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