100 % Original Civet Coffee ( Kopi Luwak)


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Research about Kopi Luwak

There is a research in 2002-2004 by Prof. Massimo Marcone from University of Guelph, he examined the chemical and physical properties of Kopi Luwak coffee. He found that the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of the Luwak wa in fact affecting the beans. But he was surprised to find - despite the unusual fermentation path - that roasted Kopi Luwak beans had lower bacterial counts then control beans.

Pitting was also observed on the surface, and the next step was to determine if the acids and enzymes were actually penetrating the Kopi Luwak beans, affecting them in some way. Electhrophoresis - a method that "fingerprints" proteins - was used to Luwak beans were found to be lower in total protein, meaning that proteins were partially broken down and leached out during their travel in GI tract of the Luwak.
This has the potential to affect the flavour and aroma of the beans, says Marcone.
Proteins are responsible for much of the flavour, particularly bitterness. Since kopi Luwak beans have less protein, they may produce a less bitter coffee, he says.
Analysis of the volatile compounds - also responsible for flavour and aroma - showed they were significantly different than the control, further indicating the potential for Kopi Luwak coffee having a different flavour than ordinary coffee.
Formal taste tests were not performed, but Marcone wants to do them in the future.
Marcone’s work was assisted by members of the food chemistry and food microbiology sectors of the Food Science Department at the University of Guelph.

Best Regards:
email : chris.crador@gmail.com
web : http://www.radjachivetcoffee.blogspot.com

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